Integral Dance Technique
“How each individual can be helped to find his uniqueness and become unique in his contribution to himself and his social environment is too often neglected.”
— Moshe Feldenkrais
Integral Dance Technique is a comprehensive system for training dance-based creative artists who are engaged in creation, collaboration, and performance. Beginning with primary anatomical relationships, this class brings connectivity and clarity to the dancer’s movement, and is supported by Developmental Movement Patterns and fundamental elements such as grounding, phrasing, and focus. Expressiveness is explored through Laban Movement Analysis’ Efforts, Action Drives, and States. This practice leads to an artist whom is embodied, daring and creative.
These elements are explored primarily through a number of practices, including Accumulations which, based on Feldenkrais Method’s Awareness Through Movement lessons, consist of easy to learn movement sequences that form the base for movement efficiency and clarity. The Fundamental Phrases are a series of choreographies which clarify and integrate the primary anatomical relationships, Developmental Movement Patterns, and fundamental elements of contemporary dance. Finally expressivity is developed through phrase material, improvisation explorations, and creative exercises which focus on developing a greater range of expression and physical possibilities.
The goal of Integral Dance Technique is to develop artists who are engaged in their own creative practice through creation and performance, artists who work in collaborative environments, and artists looking to develop their own unique, idiosyncratic movement voice.