Feldenkrais Movement
Efficiency Series
Finding greater awareness and efficiency through movement.
The Feldenkrais Movement Efficiency Series is a series of workshops using the revolutionary Feldenkrais Method® to address specific anatomical and functional issues. Using slow, meditative movement, these workshops lead participants to find new, more efficient movement patterns so that they can release discomfort, find more ease in their movement, and expand their range of movement. Each workshop can be offered between as a 3-hour workshop, or as a series of 3 one-hour classes, and can be taylored to the needs of specific populations, from senior citizens, to musicians, athletes, or advanced dancers.
Workshops include:
Healthier Hip Joints: Find more articulation and ease in the hip joints.
Relaxing the Jaw: Let go of unnecessary tension in the jaw to reduce discomfort and pain.
Easier Sitting: Learn strategies to help sit with better posture and more comfort.
Reducing Neck and Shoulder Tension: Find greater comfort in the organization of the neck and shoulders by letting to of unnecessary tension and finding greater organizational efficiency.
Additional workshops can be developed around specific functions or anatomical concerns, please contact me for further details.